
Terumo Medical Care Solutions aspires to be your collaborative partner in addressing healthcare challenges, by cultivating beneficial surroundings for optimal performance and delivering innovative services and technologies.
Perioperative Solutions

As Japan's aging society increases demand on healthcare, limited healthcare resources must be utilized effectively and efficiently to make healthcare sustainable and high-quality. Medical institutions are responding by separating and coordinating between hospital wards to give healthcare that matches each patient's condition, whether acute, recovery, or chronic. Acute care hospitals treating critically ill patients focus resources on advanced care; they therefore require efficiency and shorter hospital stays.
Terumo contributes to improved workflow efficiency and safety through interconnection between devices and in-facility systems. We also provide a post-operative anti-adhesion spray that helps to prevent complications from organs and tissues that can adhere undesirably during the healing process—the first product of its kind in Japan. Additionally, we offer post-operative pain relief medicine that helps patients get back on their feet quicker, plus solutions that enable speedier post-operative nutritional intake, and more. Through these products and solutions, we support workflow efficiency in addition to speedier patient discharge.
Advanced Drug Management Solutions
The work of administering drugs to patients by infusion, injection, or other means happens daily in all kinds of medical settings, from ICUs to general hospital wards. Usually, a safe drug administration requires confirmation of several things during preparation and just before administration: The right patient, right drug, right dose, rignt route, right time, and right purpose. Particularly in settings such as operating rooms and ICUs, healthcare professionals have an extremely heavy workload as they must handle a diverse array of drugs accurately and safely and also keep drug administration records, all while performing various treatments on patients with serious or acute phase cases.
Terumo has pursued and incorporated functionality and design into its drug administration products and systems to reduce a variety of associated risks. As drug administration management for patients has become more complex and precise in recent years, Terumo has developed infusion and syringe pumps equipped with drug libraries and with connectivity to in-facility electronic medical records and systems within hospital departments as advanced drug management solutions. Through our efforts toward digital health with automated records and monitoring of drug administration information, and prescription coordination in which physicians’ prescription instructions are sent to the infusion and syringe pumps, we are helping to standardize and improve the efficiency of drug prescriptions and administration while making treatments safer.

The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.
Outpatient Chemotherapy Solutions

Drugs used to treat cancer sometimes also impact healthy cells as they act on cancer cells.
Measures to address this challenge are needed not only for patients but also for healthcare professionals. In chemotherapy rooms, drugs must be administered safely, but treatment time for outpatients must also be made more efficient. We contribute to the medical safety and operational efficiency of cancer drug treatments with closed system drug transfer devices (CSTDs) and indwelling needles for reliable dwelling, including operational support systems for drug treatment operations.

The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.
Infection Control Solutions

Terumo puts together comprehensive combinations of various measures in order to prevent infections within medical institutions, such as establishing infrastructure, building infection control systems, thoroughly implementing and educating about them, and rolling out new products. Our aim is to deliver the solutions needed in medical settings by understanding and familiarizing ourselves with efforts taking place there, to be able to provide safe, reassuring healthcare support from the perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals in addition to providing products.

The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.
Women’s Health Solutions

Along with changes in women’s lifestyles in recent years, there have been greater needs for medical care tailored to the desires and values of each individual patient to address health problems particular to women. We will offer solutions that can expand the options for treatments and make minimally invasive surgeries easier to perform at even more medical facilities.

Falloposcopic tuboplasty system

Single-use operative hysteroscope
The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.
Renal Care Solutions

Patients with chronic kidney failure need dialysis treatment that removes unwanted waste products and liquid from the body. Dialysis treatment options include hemodialysis (HD), in which a patient goes to a hospital three or so times a week, and peritoneal dialysis (PD), in which a patient can receive treatment at home or at work.
Terumo promotes peritoneal dialysis, which allows more freedom of lifestyle for patients. In addition to making peritoneal dialysis simpler and safer for the increasing number of aged diabetes patients through instruments with greater ease of use and infection-prevention measures, we are also developing dialysis aimed at reducing a patient's physical burden and leveraging digital transformation (DX), among other efforts geared toward healthcare that is more patient-friendly—what we call "yasashii" healthcare.

What is Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)?
PD is a treatment method in which waste products and liquids are removed from the blood by injecting and retaining dialysis fluid inside the abdominal cavity and the peritoneal membranes that surround the organs located there. The treatment requires a catheter to be implanted in the abdomen to enable injection and removal of dialysis fluid, and thereafter dialysis fluid is exchanged multiple times (once every 4-12 hours) daily. CAPD*1, which enables the patient to exchange their own dialysis fluid, and APD*2, an instrument which automatically exchanges dialysis fluid. The method most suitable to the patient is selected according to their condition and lifestyle.
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
Automated Peritoneal Dialysis

Discharge of waste products and liquid
Diabetes Care Solutions

The age ranges of people with diabetes range widely, from small children to aged persons.Their blood glucose must be measured and managed daily, and they must be administered insulin among other treatments. We offer total support for daily diabetes treatment, including easy-to-use blood glucose self-monitors, needles developed to reduce pain and fear of injections, and tube-free insulin patch pumps that place no restrictions on the daily activities of "people with diabetes for better quality of life. Our mechanisms for sharing insulin and blood glucose records with healthcare professionals and family members through apps also enable efficient self-management. We will support people with diabetes to live more fulfilling everyday lives.

The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.
Bedside Care Solutions

In hospital wards, many hours of clinical work are spent taking daily measurements of vital signs and blood glucose level, administering drugs through infusion pumps and syringe pumps, and keeping records of these drug administrations. We make these tasks more efficient and safer by building smoother workflows through system linkage for devices and contributing to work style reform in medical settings.
Measuring Devices System with Communications Functions for Hospitals (HR JointTM)

Blood glucose monitoring system

Blood glucose monitoring system for hospitals

Blood pressure monitor

Pulse oximeter


Simply touching the device to the NFC reader/writer allows sharing of measurements in hospital IT network
The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.
Prevention, Severe Disease Field Solutions

Larger proportions of people are suffering from lifestyle-related diseases due to aging and changes in lifestyle habits. For longer healthy life expectancies, it is important to take preventive measures against the exacerbation of these diseases in addition to measures prevent them in the first place. We assist in people’s everyday health management through products such as measurement devices and management apps for vital signs.

The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.
(For pharmaceutical companies) Solutions to Maximize Drug Value
With the change in trend from oral small molecule drugs to injectable macromolecular and biopharmaceuticals in recent years, new challenges have arisen, including the administration of delicate biopharmaceuticals and administration of trace amounts of highly viscous drugs, and pharmaceutical compliance for combination devices. Drawing on our experience in pre-filled syringes, plastic syringes pre-filled with drugs, and Terumo's proprietary technology, we are proposing new devices to pharmaceutical companies and supporting the development and production of drug-device combination products.

Partnering for Drug Development and Manufacturing
Through partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, Terumo supports the entire process from prefilled device design to commercial manufacturing.

Drug-filling line

Prefilled syringe in auto-injector
Prefilled syringe in safety device
Providing Containers and Bags for Prefilling
Terumo provides highly usable devices made from materials optimized for use with biopharmaceuticals and vaccines.

Ready-to-fill syringe

Intradermal injection device
Administration Devices for Drug Kits
Terumo provides administration devices for packaging with pharmaceuticals sold by pharmaceutical companies for toward greater efficiency and safety in medical settings.

Needles for drug kit
The regulatory approval status and availability of these products differ by country or region.